6 Reasons Adventure Travel Is Good For You
Going on an expedition halfway across the world may seem like an indulgent choice. And sure, you're taking a break from work, stepping back from obligations and focusing on recreation. But traveling on an adventure isn't meaningless or solely a leisure activity. A journey to an unfamiliar place can enrich your life in unexpected ways and pack your time with benefits. People who take exciting trips have come to realize that their treks pay off in real ways. Check out these six reasons adventure travel is good for you.
1. Diminishes Stress
Spending time outdoors helps people feel refreshed and energized. When you have a change of scenery from your office space and home to a green landscape, you can relieve tension from your daily schedule. Roaming around a destination full of natural diversions and breathtaking views can lift your spirits and abate stress.
One study comparing urban and natural environments found that nature significantly reduced the stress levels of participants. Visiting the outdoors can alleviate stressors and relax your nervous system.
2. Enhances Your Thinking
Participating in adventure travel requires more exercise than most people get. Walking to attractions and trying active hobbies like kayaking or scuba diving engages people in high-action efforts, and fitness can have age-defying properties and strengthen your brain.
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, regular walking may stimulate your brain and bolster its memory capabilities. Their study measured the influences of walks on aging individuals' brains, and there was positive growth in the hippocampus region for routine walkers. Frequently, as people get older, this part diminishes, but exercise prevented damage to the brain.
3. Broadens Your Outlook
When you interact with people whose backgrounds, values and cultures differ from yours, you gain an appreciation for diversity and broaden your perspective. Other countries expose you to distinct customs and living styles which can lead you to a deeper understanding of the world.
Building your awareness by digging into different civilizations can cultivate an authentic worldview. Try to immerse yourself in a unique experience as you interact with locals and learn about alternate ways of life.
4. Offers a Sense of Fulfillment
Many people put off their wishes and settle for dissatisfying lifestyles. Limitations can hold you back from thrilling moments, but taking advantage of your freedom to explore can transform your world and make you feel more accomplished.
Conquering a mountain or overcoming a fear of bungee jumping can get your blood pumping and allow you to grow. Adrenaline-boosting activities can enliven your existence. As soon as possible, check a dream spot off your bucket list to embrace a sense of achievement.
5. Complements Any Stage of Life
From children to newlyweds to retirees, travelers of all ages can enjoy and grow from the adventures they go on. When young people embark on trips, they start a habit that they can follow through life. Encouraging curiosity in youth can spur people on to rare opportunities and a better outlook.
Older people can also renew their sense of wonder on excursions and set their eyes on stunning sights. No matter your age, you can continue to acquire new skills and advance yourself.
6. Improves Health
Wandering from your home to a variety of destinations can increase your physical health. Traveling can lower the risk of common diseases and construct a better immune system. With regular travel, you can reduce your chance of a harmful heart condition, so take time off to protect your long-term well-being.
Although some people get sick when they encounter a strange environment, exposure to a range of bacteria and a little dirt can fortify many people's immune systems. The presence of these germs can teach your body to fight against them, leaving you tougher than before. Travel can bring you into contact with substances you don't normally face, which can provide your body with a multi-faceted defense system.
Take an Adventurous Trip to Enrich Your Life
When you participate in adventure travel, several factors can increase your quality of life. From realizing your dreams to gaining health advantages, exploring a new place is worthwhile. Whether you're climbing Mount Rainier or cruising around Alaska, take off on a fresh experience to obtain these benefits.
Kacey Bradley is the blogger behind The Drifter Collective, an eclectic lifestyle blog that expresses various forms of style through the influence of culture and the world around us. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts. Along with writing for her blog, she has written for sites like U.S. News, SUCCESS, Ruffled, and more!
Follow Kacey on Twitter and subscribe to her blog to keep up with her travels and inspiring posts!